Saturday, December 03, 2005

Okay, so I'm basically irritated. Apparently, it's my fault things go out like the phone or the internet, for example. I constantly hear the obvious yelling, or what they call- talking, over the most stupid things. I'm completely bored with life, and I'm just waiting- waiting for them to yell at me to "get out." How sad is it that I have no social life, now? What the heck happened here?! Oh wait-- I know! Homeschooling, for one, which isn't much of it and two- I'm not allowed to leave. When was the last time I actually went outside?? The beginning of October. Why can't I just go out? Because I'm not allowed too. I have to clean the house, watch my brother, feed my brother and when I do-- what happens? Oh yeah, I get yelled at, for not feeding him. I swear- I am thisclose to flying off the handle and just pack my bags and take wherever my whim takes me. I don't want to be around no one. I don't want anyone's sympathy. I just want to be left alone in serenity. I'm not allowed to open my mouth here; it's like a freaking heirarchy around here. If I do I'm considered a "bad child" (yes, child; apparently, it does not matter what the age is, you have to obey your elders) and I'll be against X number of people from both their sides. I don't want more tension, I don't want more anger and drama from them. I'm really about to explode.

Oh yeah, and if anyone says "the sun will come out, tomorrw" or anything along those lines, I'm going to just laugh and find a barbie to cut it's head off and imagine it being anyone from carebear land or anyone who annoys me, right now.

I swear, I'm not this mean; I'm just extremely irritated (and no- it's not PMS).

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