Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Yes, my mind has been cluttered with regrets that I am unable to put down.

After two years, I am still wearing the blackened veil of guilt I have placed over my shoulders and eyes. I have done nothing tremendously wrong or any sort of impact on any one else in a negative way, but the things I regret are on myself, alone.

Mainly, they come from high school:

  1. I did not applying myself, fully.
  2. Not committing myself to other clubs I was interested in.
  3. I could have done better in forensics.
  4. Disappointing Mr. G.
  5. For not writing a 'sorry' and a 'thank you' note to Mr. G. and Ms. F.
  6. I did not spend enough time with peers.
  7. I did not apply myself in anything (although I thought I have tried).
  8. Alcohol abuse.
  9. I did not achieve anything.


  1. For not committing to home school every week, once a week.
  2. Not receiving help during depression.
  3. Being callous towards my little brother, he did not deserve it.
  4. I was brash to my stepfather.
  5. For the trouble, I was putting on Sean.
  6. Discontinuing ballet, tap, and gymnastics.

Now, I regret sending the test to Longridge Writer's Group. I have been accepted, and I am well pleased that I have, however there comes a cost which I am unable to commit; also, the lack of motivation, dedication, and heart. My heart is not there, or perhaps I am not confident enough to pull through it. Although I would love to join, and I have not been accepted in this way to the point that it is overly flattering, I am unable too because I need to save my money for important things.

I would love to be published nationwide or in distinguished magazines or other publishers; but, that is a dream, and not the only dream, I have to put on hold.

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