Saturday, April 28, 2007

I admit I am bitter towards her, and she does not deserve it. It is not her fault for being borne in to a family like hers.

I know it is silly of me and inane, that I become upset over her accomplishments. She is able to graduate, take her senior class picture, go to prom, etc., and I was unable to do any of that.
I was unable too because of my family situation and my lack of progress during high school.

What I dislike most is her mother boasting about her, and speaking of how great, she is and how others are not.

I know I ought not to be upset over that, but in a family that expects so much from you and think of small failures as a big issue puts so much pressure on me to make them happy.

Maybe this is my problem: focusing on making others' happy, instead of my own.

I only wish I had done better...

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