Sunday, December 30, 2007

Natural Science

I love science. Since I was a little girl I was intrigued by how things work, how they are, what they can do, and what I can do. I loved it.

I took this test on and I remembered telling my mom everything I learned from school- in science. I tell her about the tectonic plates, atoms, physics- anything I learned in science that day.

I realize how much I miss it. How much I love learning about it. Physical science, biology, and chemistry were my favorite subjects in school. There is so much I want to learn. It fascinates and soothes me.

Then I remembered the California Science Center. I would love to go there, again.

I enjoy my first result. I wonder how accurate it is?

"Biotechnology is among the most active fields of research and attracts about a quarter of all funding from companies in the industry, according to National Science Board data. Work in this field seeks to understand and use the fundamental processes of cellular life to develop more effective medicines, consumer products, and industrial processes. Advances in biotechnology have led to new drugs and vaccines, disease-resistant crops, more efficient enzymatic manufacturing processes, and novel methods of dealing with hazardous materials."

"Nanotechnology is perhaps even more of an emerging field than biotechnology, and they often overlap in their work on the molecular level, such as with DNA tagging. Nanotechnology is the study of new structures roughly on the same scale as individual atoms, or one millionth of a millimeter. At this size, materials behave differently and can be made into new structures such as quantum dots, which are small devices that behave like artificial atoms and can be used to tag sequences of DNA, make nanoscopic switches for electronics, or produce extremely small lasers for communications equipment."

"Life, physical, and social scientists form the core of the research operations in the industry. Biological scientists conduct research to understand biological systems, develop new drugs, and work with genetic material. Most work for pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies; others perform their research in Federal or academic laboratories. Medical scientists research the causes of health problems and diseases, and then use this information to develop medical treatments and preventive measures. Their work is similar to that of biological scientists, but with a specific emphasis on disease prevention and treatment. Chemists and materials scientists research the nature of chemical systems and reactions, investigate the properties of materials, and develop new products or processes utilizing this knowledge. They perform research used by a broad array of industries to develop new products. Along with physicists , chemists and materials scientists conduct basic and applied research on nanotechnology."

" Sample Job Titles
* Chemist
* Medical Scientist
* Microbiologist
* Nanotechnologist
* Aerospace Research Scientist"

I wonder what it will be like if I were a forensic anthropologist. It is interesting to me. However, will I be able to handle some of the gruesomeness?

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