Saturday, February 16, 2008


In the beginning of the year, Sean asked me if it was all right if he buys a Nile Monitor. I thought and researched them and decided it is not a good idea. Considering their size once they are adults and the time and patience one has to give we need to have a larger environment. However, a few days later he came home with one.

A month and a half later, I realized this little person made things much better and is one of, or the best thing, that has happened to us for the last two years Sean and I lived together.

I am fascinated and intrigued by these lizards. I love him so much.
His name is Zero and he is an Ornate Nile Monitor because of his five ocellis (rows between his shoulders and hip), his pink tongue, squared skull, and the slight coloration on his neck. In captivity, they can grow up to four or five feet; in the wild they can be six or seven feet. They are recognized for their muscular built when they are adults.

Original Nile Monitors can be slightly longer than the Ornate. They will have six or seven rows of ocellis, a narrow skull, and will not be as heavy as an ornate.

Despite the misconception of nile monitors being aggressive the correct term for them is defensive. They are nervous, shy, intelligent, curious, and will stand their ground, when cornered or feel threatened. It can take weeks or months for them to trust or tolerate you.

Sean is amazing and patient with him. Sean is able to hold him with his bare hands when Zero is calm. There has been a few times when he runs loose and frightens Sean because he is afraid of him getting hurt. If anything, do not scare them by running after them or being frantic. They will only hurt themselves.

The publics' feelings towards reptiles are unfortunately uneasy. I admit I was uneasy at first; however, Zero has changed that for me. I recently held him and I was pathetically emotional over it.

Sean took the above picture with his phone. Nile monitors love the water. He is a little over a foot long. He is the one thing I look forward to when I come home.

Aside from all this, I have been working, eating healthy, exercising, and finally reading.

On that note, I recently finished The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck. It is a great book and I suggest anyone to read it. I will say it had me realize a plethora of things, and gladly work things out with Sean, and myself and those around me.

The unfortunate thing is that I have been unmotivated to finish my schoolwork. I am not going to give any excuses; it is entirely my fault for avoiding it. I thought it was not worth it and I felt extremely lonesome and ashamed for many things...

Although, there have been small things that have given a little kick: Reading, thinking, my solitude, etc...

The one that had me realize how fortunate I am is working in the corporate office for two and a half weeks, filling in.I realized I can do things better than I thought. It helped that my supervisor and his supervisor and others begged me to finish school because they noticed all the help I have done for Big 5 for almost two years.
Now I am going back to the store.

If I had not made this clear, Sean and I have been working things out. It does take effort, discipline, and thought for love. Therefore, I am starting to look at things much better and clearer.

I think that since Sean came home on that rainy day, with a lizard in a brown bag and its aquarium and essentials, things have been looking up for him and me. Cheesy as I may sound, it is a miracle.
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