Saturday, September 08, 2007


It has been so difficult to express myself through writing. I always had a difficult time speaking. I am not implying I have a speech impediment or anything, and I'm sorry if that was offensive- I did not mean it that way.

There has been so many things I want to talk about however, it seems difficult. I have a difficult time sleeping. I don't understand why that is the only time I have something worth saying. Well, I believe it is... some way.

I wish I had something articulate to say. I have nothing.

I persuaded to pay my school that my mother missed, again. They want it from her.

Am I doing something wrong if I am looking for a new place, now? Am I not good enough with the cash I make? Should I work a second job that is down the street?

I always feel like I am not good enough.

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