Saturday, December 29, 2007

I realize love is more than a feeling; it takes effort and discipline.
It takes more effort being the only one growing for two.

I walked to work yesterday morning and for some reason I thought about how my life can be different if I did not live with Sean. Possibly, I may do better in college. I think I am better off without a relationship because I can focus on me. However, money comes in and I am not in the best of or decent wealth.

There does not seem to be a difference being full time at work. I love doing truck in the morning.
I hear Kristene will be our official full time clothing and cashier once she comes back from Missouri. ^ ^

I made peanut butter cookies at Kristene's place a day before she left. The first batch were perfect. The second and third were overcooked or undercooked.
Maria and I made California rolls. I enjoy being around her. We brought them to work (and the cookies), and the sushi ran out, quickly! Bryan thought Kristene made the cookies when he brought some home to his family. :(

Sean and I spent Christmas with his mom. We had Sizzlers and watched I Am Legend.

When he was young, he and his mom went to Sizzlers on Christmas day, after his grandmother died. I want to keep the tradition for him.

I did not buy him a gift. Today is his birthday. I don’t know where he is. I can’t call him because my phone is off. I hope he does not put it in my face that I didn‘t buy him anything; he tends to do that, although he says he understands.

He bought me an iPod. I am happy he did. I love it. I wish I were able to buy him something, at least.

We're doing okay.

My family did not come down. They said it will be best because they can save money and pay for my school...

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