Sunday, December 30, 2007

Natural Science

I love science. Since I was a little girl I was intrigued by how things work, how they are, what they can do, and what I can do. I loved it.

I took this test on and I remembered telling my mom everything I learned from school- in science. I tell her about the tectonic plates, atoms, physics- anything I learned in science that day.

I realize how much I miss it. How much I love learning about it. Physical science, biology, and chemistry were my favorite subjects in school. There is so much I want to learn. It fascinates and soothes me.

Then I remembered the California Science Center. I would love to go there, again.

I enjoy my first result. I wonder how accurate it is?

"Biotechnology is among the most active fields of research and attracts about a quarter of all funding from companies in the industry, according to National Science Board data. Work in this field seeks to understand and use the fundamental processes of cellular life to develop more effective medicines, consumer products, and industrial processes. Advances in biotechnology have led to new drugs and vaccines, disease-resistant crops, more efficient enzymatic manufacturing processes, and novel methods of dealing with hazardous materials."

"Nanotechnology is perhaps even more of an emerging field than biotechnology, and they often overlap in their work on the molecular level, such as with DNA tagging. Nanotechnology is the study of new structures roughly on the same scale as individual atoms, or one millionth of a millimeter. At this size, materials behave differently and can be made into new structures such as quantum dots, which are small devices that behave like artificial atoms and can be used to tag sequences of DNA, make nanoscopic switches for electronics, or produce extremely small lasers for communications equipment."

"Life, physical, and social scientists form the core of the research operations in the industry. Biological scientists conduct research to understand biological systems, develop new drugs, and work with genetic material. Most work for pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies; others perform their research in Federal or academic laboratories. Medical scientists research the causes of health problems and diseases, and then use this information to develop medical treatments and preventive measures. Their work is similar to that of biological scientists, but with a specific emphasis on disease prevention and treatment. Chemists and materials scientists research the nature of chemical systems and reactions, investigate the properties of materials, and develop new products or processes utilizing this knowledge. They perform research used by a broad array of industries to develop new products. Along with physicists , chemists and materials scientists conduct basic and applied research on nanotechnology."

" Sample Job Titles
* Chemist
* Medical Scientist
* Microbiologist
* Nanotechnologist
* Aerospace Research Scientist"

I wonder what it will be like if I were a forensic anthropologist. It is interesting to me. However, will I be able to handle some of the gruesomeness?

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I realize love is more than a feeling; it takes effort and discipline.
It takes more effort being the only one growing for two.

I walked to work yesterday morning and for some reason I thought about how my life can be different if I did not live with Sean. Possibly, I may do better in college. I think I am better off without a relationship because I can focus on me. However, money comes in and I am not in the best of or decent wealth.

There does not seem to be a difference being full time at work. I love doing truck in the morning.
I hear Kristene will be our official full time clothing and cashier once she comes back from Missouri. ^ ^

I made peanut butter cookies at Kristene's place a day before she left. The first batch were perfect. The second and third were overcooked or undercooked.
Maria and I made California rolls. I enjoy being around her. We brought them to work (and the cookies), and the sushi ran out, quickly! Bryan thought Kristene made the cookies when he brought some home to his family. :(

Sean and I spent Christmas with his mom. We had Sizzlers and watched I Am Legend.

When he was young, he and his mom went to Sizzlers on Christmas day, after his grandmother died. I want to keep the tradition for him.

I did not buy him a gift. Today is his birthday. I don’t know where he is. I can’t call him because my phone is off. I hope he does not put it in my face that I didn‘t buy him anything; he tends to do that, although he says he understands.

He bought me an iPod. I am happy he did. I love it. I wish I were able to buy him something, at least.

We're doing okay.

My family did not come down. They said it will be best because they can save money and pay for my school...

Friday, December 14, 2007

The usual.

At work, they told me, did not ask me, from then until December 31st, I will temporarily be full time. I have a two-dollar raise and I am told not to tell anyone how much I make or that I am full time.

For potluck, I am making sushi. Perhaps, chocolate covered strawberries too. Maria and Rosie will do it with me, since they begged for it.

I have not started Christmas shopping, nor will I this year.
My mother called me a few days ago and told me that my school counselor has talked to her (I would not say 'with', because I know she did not say much that will help.) and told her that I "will have to start over again, as a freshman in high school," if she (my mom) does not pay, again.

I am determined to pay off as much as I can, of what she owes. My upcoming check is on December 21st, and I hope I am not too late. I have to send it as money order, and find a way for them not to find out I paid...

Sean said he is having a surprise for me this Christmas. I am not expecting much. I do not want him to buy me anything, really.

He did preorder BoA's upcoming album (limited edition!) for me, though. So, that's fine. :)

However, it seems I am unable to buy him anything this year, or for his birthday...

This Christmas seems a bit glum for me. It does not feel like Christmas, anymore.

There is colour and beauty in darkness.
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Leaves, bugs, bear, old man, and voicemails.

The leaves are making the path difficult.

I see an evil bug, an old man with a curl on his head, and a sad bear with big eyes and a beard.

Simple, cute or silly, voicemails make me happy.

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Saturday, December 01, 2007


This best describes the situation, feeling, and thoughts lurking in my mind.

At times, words do not carry meaning. Truth is vague and lies are lost in reserved spots. Sometimes, belief is difficult to attain in a closed mind.
There are directions and windows that cannot be avoided in a lot that one has chosen, or had no choice but to go. There are lots that are empty; ones that people unknowingly avoid.

I am fully aware of what I say; I am, however, unsure if I said it correctly.
I have been thinking of moving out. If I had a choice, but not leave California-, I will. I have told Sean plenty of times; however, he did not believe me until tonight.

"I don't want to get married, now. I'm just tired of it. I am tired of fighting," "I thought about really moving back with my parents. There's nothing there for me, there's nothing here, too," "I do want to stay with you- it's just hard."

I do not want to get married. Not now, or soon. We are fighting too much. We have to work things out before getting married.

Once things seem right, I do. I have given up waiting to get married. I realize it is for the best. We cannot be like this, anymore. We cannot be like this, at all. Please.

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